Oct 30, 2020
If you are among the 70% who struggle with Impostor Syndrome, this episode is for you. Dr. Valerie Young, the leading expert on the topic, joins me to discuss why it afflicts so many men and women (especially creatives) and what you can do about it. We’d love it if you write a review, subscribe on Apple Podcasts and...
Oct 16, 2020
If you avoid the money conversation with clients, today’s short episode is for you. In it, I share a simple way for solopreneurs and other creative professionals to change the way you think about money. This reframe will make it easier to talk to prospects and clients about it, to get their budget and to quickly weed...
Oct 2, 2020
If you feel exhausted from day after day of Zoom meetings, this episode is for you. Communications coach, Eleanor Handley, and I delved into the psychological aspects of what Zoom is doing to us and how we can use it to our best advantage. We’d love it if you write a review, subscribe on Apple Podcasts and sign up...